Absolute faggot.

Sue Lightning


Look how shaken up this little queer is because someone ran up on stage and…did nothing. Holy shit what a fruit.

Theres a lot more context to that guy. Basically he used to do Kill Tony as the “Iron Patriot”. He got kicked off and has spent the last 3 years stalking Tony Hincliffe and trying to get back on. I think he said he’d kill him at one point too. But I have a strong feeling this limp wristed fag would have reacted like this if a 4’9 woman “””stormed the stage”””

A forceful man would probably say “GET THE FUCK OFF THE STAGE! GET THE FUCK OUT! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE!” , Not, “Whoa like, thats not like, cool man. You gotta, like, like, get him like out of here man. Yikes. Like, yikes, you can’t just like, do that man. I’m literally shaking right now.”